Lead & Copper Testing
Lead & Copper Testing Results
Lead & Copper testing results that have exceeded the maximum levels has been in the customer's plumbing service lines and not in the SRWD system. The plumbing that has returned an exceeded maximum has been the same 2 customers' plumbing systems repeatedly and 1 customer that was recently added to the test list. These customers were notified that they exceeded maximum levels.
When you look at our test results at yourwater.oregon.gov that show as red and exceeding the maximum again is the customer's plumbing service lines, not the district's system.
Testing for Lead and Copper
As part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule, SRWD collects samples from high-risk residential homes. These homes were built between 1983 – 1985 (prior to the lead solder ban) and plumbed with copper pipes and lead solder. Samples are analyzed at a certified laboratory and results are sent to the Oregon Health Authority and participating customers.
SRWD will begin the Service Line Inventory project, a proactive effort to confirm that there are no lead materials in use. This project meets new federal requirements to identify service line materials in water systems by October 2024. Identifying lead service lines and replacing them, if found, is important to protecting public health. Installation records and prior inspections tell us that our potential to find lead service lines is very low.